Posted by Jon Stitcher
24 November 2020 22:10:00
OQL currently have three UK based competitions open for registrations!
Our team Online Quiz League is currently open for registrations for season 3 and you can find yourself playing against stars of TV's The Chase and Eggheads! If you're a full team ready to sign up then please click here. If you're an individual looking to be placed in a scratch team then head over to here and tell us a bit about yourself.
We also have our low brow individual competition open for registration. This is a competition which focuses on all the fun part of quiz, TV, film, pop music, sport, celebrities, etc and you compete as an individual so you don't even need a team to enter. To find out more and register then please head to this link (link will take you to our new site)
Finally we have also launched the Connections Online Quiz League. This is a quiz for teams of three that is based on the BBC TV show Only Connect. This competition is proving massively popular so sign up early to avoid disappointment. You can find out more about it here
We hope you find something that suits your needs but if you have any suggestions on competitions we could run then please get in touch!
Posted by Jon Stitcher
13 November 2020 09:49:00
OQL are excited to announce our new Low Brow individual competition. The questions in this quiz will revolve around the more popular side of quiz, TV, Film, Pop Music, Sport, Celebrities and all things considered "low brow".
The competition will operate using the Mimir format which was used in the Brain of Online Quiz League competition in the summer.
If you'd like to find out more or would like to sign up then head over to our new website at

Posted by Jon Stitcher
06 November 2020 03:12:00
Online Quiz League are currently welcoming applications for season 3. If you're a full team ready to go you can sign up at the Join Us. If you're an individual looking to join a scratch team then head to the contact page and tell us a bit about yourself and we'll find you a team for season 3.
Posted by Chris Quinn
14 October 2020 17:12:00
The new online scoring tool can be found at - If you want to know how the online scoring tool works, please watch the video below:
Posted by Jon Stitcher
21 September 2020 07:45:00
If you've found this site after hearing Jon on Brain of Britain, welcome! We are currently midway through season two of OQL but we're always welcoming new players and teams. Season 3 will begin in January so why not canvas your friends and family and get a full team to join us for then. If you're an individual looking for a team then visit the Contact session and send us a message.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Posted by Jon Stitcher
29 August 2020 01:31:00
The rumours are true, Online Quiz League are looking at setting up a league for North American players. Please head over to the OQL USA tab for more details!
Posted by Jon Stitcher
15 August 2020 02:54:00
The deadline for new teams for Season 2 of OQL has now passed. We will have 54 teams across four division making the Online Quiz League the largest individual quiz league in the world! Congratulations of being part of something so special.
We are no longer accepting applications for new teams but individuals can register their interest and we will try and find a team for you.
The season kicks off on August 26th with round 1 of league fixtures.
Posted by Jon Stitcher
10 August 2020 12:01:00
How exciting that our league commissioner, Jon, was able to give the Online Quiz League a little plug on Radio 4's Brain of Britain this afternoon.
If you have found this website following that broadcast then welcome, The Online Quiz League is the country's premier online quiz league but it's also a blossoming quiz community and we'd love for you to join us.
The deadline for Season Two registrations is on Friday 14th August so you'll need to act quickly to join us for then.
If you are individual looking to be placed on a team then go to the contact us page and send us your information and we'll fix you up with similar players to you to join a team for season two. Or drop us an email at
If you have a full team ready then click on Join Us and fill in the form with your details. Most teams have a squad of 5 or 6 players as you'll need four players per game.
All the details of how the league operates can be found in the How it works section.
We look forward to having you on board!
Posted by Jon Stitcher
24 July 2020 00:32:00
Do you like quizzes? Of course you do, who doesn't?! Well the Online Quiz League is currently recruiting teams for our new season. We will have at least four divisions so you can be sure you'll be playing teams of a similar level to you and for just £55 your team will play 11 league matches and at least 2 cup games plus access to a wealth of statistics and membership to a growing quizzing community.
If you're ready to sign your team up then click on the Join Us page. If you're an individual player then go to the Contact page and send us your details. We'll put you in a scratch team with players of a similar ability level to ensure you have an enjoyable season.
Season two commences on Wednesday August 26th and we'd love to have you involved! Any questions just ask....
Posted by Jon Stitcher
09 July 2020 00:41:00
The 1st league season of the Online Quiz League has come to an end.
Team North East have sealed the Division one title after a run of 5 wins. Misfits came 2nd with Amoebas 3rd
Webcam won the Division two title with a game to spare, LGQ have snuck into 2nd with Lockdown Latecomers in 3rd
The Kew Tours have won the Expansion league with Telstars in 2nd and Scratch 22 winning Exp B.
We now move on to our handicap cup competition. Season two will begin on August 26th and we are welcoming applications from new teams and players, just check out the How it Works and the Join Us pages!